Tuesday, September 20, 2005


We have The Times of India delivered to our door each morning about 7am. Since Jay doesn’t leave for work until about 9:20, we have a lot of time to read the local rag and also read The Atlanta Journal and Constitution and The New York Times online. The Times of India’s front section has a lot of politics and issues dealing with money (their stockmarket). The rest of it is like People magazine. There’s lots of ink on movies and movie stars. Right now there is a big push to improve the infrastructure in B’lore. The roads and sidewalks are in deplorable condition, and the city officials think the IT industry should help pay for the repairs because their influx is what’s causing such heavy usage. Many IT chiefs are willing to put up some money to get the job done as soon as possible. The red tape to get things done here is overwhelming. One of the statistics we read in the paper here recently is that to start a new business, the US is third and India is 155th in ease and ability to get it started.


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