Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy X-Mas

It is Christmas day. And here in Bangalore, India the Christmas celebratory mood surrounds us….we think. This morning we were awakened at 5:45 AM not by the clatter of reindeer upon our roof, but Hindi music blaring from a nearby loudspeaker system. The familiar tune and lyrics of “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” would have been welcomed. It is our first Christmas in India and we have some expectation adjustments still before us.

Later in the brilliant sunshine and warm air, we walked around the colony to ascertain the source of our morning melodies. We found a very old temple compound filled with people in bright red garb. The compound was teeming with activity we were sure was associated with some religious roots. We did not want to intrude. Having confirmed the source of the loudspeaker system, we departed and wandered other parts of our new neighborhood.

Christmas cheer is found in rice flour decorations that adorn many doorways in the colony. These rice flour decorations are very common during Diwali which was celebrated in November. We suspect there is a fair amount of celebratory cross-decorating. Diwali lights are ubiquitous in November and found again hanging from balconies and roof tops in December. One wonders if the lights were ever taken down.

Wishing someone a “Happy Christmas” is common here. We have been wished a “Happy Christmas” several times yesterday and today and returned the greeting. We hope your Christmas is a happy one.


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