Tea and Rubber Plantations

The second day of our five day vacation in Kerala took us to the breathtakingly beautiful mountains. The climate, soil and rainfall are a perfect combination to grow tea. We saw acres and acres, or, as they say here, hectares, of tea. We were told Tata Tea has over 16,000 hectares of tea plants in the region around Munnar.
From observation and the help of our driver, we learned tea

When the tea plant is allowed to grow wild it can grow 10 m high. To simplify cultivation and stimulate the production of leaf buds, they are regularly pruned and shaped into flat-topped bushes of about one meter in height. The

To make one kg black tea, approx. 4 kg tea leaves are needed. One tea plant produces about 70 kg of tea leaves a year. In a warm climate the plant is plucked for the first time after four years and it will produce tea for at least 50 years. The average yield per acre in India is 450 kilograms, with many estates producing over 680 kilograms.

With our driver as a translator, we learned that the tea pickers (video) are paid 75 rupees for 15 kilos of tea leaves. The big bags they use hold about three kilos. Experienced pickers can pick 10 bags of tea leaves a day and earn 150 rupees, about $3.30. In order to do their work they have to tie heavy rubberized canvas sheets around themselves to keep from being torn to shreads by the pruned bushes.