Hoping to see sights outside of
Off to
We visited Queen Mary's Dolls' House that was designed by the architect Sir Edwin Lutyens in 1921. He also designed the city layout of
Some 5,000 years ago work started on earth works. About 2,000 years ago the 4-ton bluestones, now the inner circle, where quarried 240 miles away. The 50-ton sarsen stones that form the outer circle came later from a closer-by location. Scholars estimate that it would have taken 600 men to navigate the terrain from quarry to their final resting place.
We have seen Stonehenge many times on National Geographic TV and have heard stories of Druid ceremonies conducted at
Our final stop that day was the old Roman bath town of
dedicated to the goddess Sulis. The Romans, aware of the value of adopting local traditions when ruling in far away places, merged their Roman goddess Minerva with Sulis and dedicated the baths to Sulis Minerva.
Romans visiting the bath would change their clothing in the apodyterium, or locker room, and move on to the tepidarium, caldarium and finally the bath. The process was an all day event and theft of property left in the apodyterium was a common occurrence. Loss of one’s possessions sometimes resulted in a curse tablet being scribed by the victim. The curse tablet typically written on lead or pewter was then tossed in the bath. Many such tablets were on display at
“I curse him who has stolen, who has robbed Deomiorix from his house. Whoever stole his property, the god is to find him. Let him buy it back with his blood or his own life.”
Beware the curse of the apodyterium.
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